
This last weekend I lost a friend. Rita, pictured on the right, was one of my oldest friend's mom. Sam (said friend) is the other babe in the picture.
Rita passed on Friday 22nd of September after a long struggle with a heart condition that had her waiting for a transplant.
Gathering with Rita's friends is a true testament to the amazing woman she was. She really touched so many of us.
Seldom do you meet someone who approaches life (and it's many, many challenges) with such inspirational strength, spirit and resolve.
It's a very hard time for us all, especially Sam and her dad, but MarB's warm spirit makes it hard not to beam at the thought of her, despite a heavy spirit.
We shared a love for Annie Lennox and I've always loved that someone a good 30+ years my senior could always make me "feel like I'm seventeen again." But that was our MarBs
She really was an amazing person. I'm so sorry for your loss my Kirbs!! Can't stop thinking about you!
Hang in there Kirbles.Thinking of your loads and loads. Love always P
hey whats up dude...hope you enjoyed your time in G town
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