Yo Missy Straight Best Friend!!!

Let it be known from the outset that, despite the format of this particular rant, I am not a Ben Trovato fan. I find him to be quite dull for the most part and his rants, annoying because they often seem motivated more by some will to be objectionable rather than from a deeply rooted personal angst. My rant however is about something I feel quite deeply about.
I’d like to stand up as a gay man and confront a certain strain of heterosexual woman. Now society seems to deem it that the individual who will most quickly stereotype and judge a gay man will be a heterosexual man. In South African culture this man will be a staunch traditionalist of some variety and denounce you based on some arbitrary fact such as the notion that a man’s value is directly proportional to his ability to sire children or simply because moffies is nie kieff nie! Now while this sort of judgement exists it is actually seldom felt by given gay man in South African society, and if such opinion is ever voiced, it is generally met with an automatic outcry.
But this is not the only time that gay men are reduced and placed into a little box by societal notions. Oh no! By far the worst perpetrator of gay stereotyping is the seemingly harmless heterosexual woman. Their abuse is subtle, probably mostly unintentional and generally accepted. These terrors I refer to are the babes who long for a gay best friend, because, you know, he understands…
Well here’s a newsflash sweet-cheeks! I don’t!
Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean that all I want to talk to you about is interiors and how badly every other girl at the party is dressed. I actually have a wide variety of interests and although the likes of cooking and decorating may be among them, my interests and abilities are by no means limited to those fields. I may like sports, engage in a little light auto mechanics or even hunt! Yes, for fun!
It’s also not okay to undress in front of me, just because I don’t want you sexually. That doesn’t mean I want to see
how about a blog update....
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