What did we do before them?

There is absolutely no doubt that cellphones have changed our lives. I like to think that I hate mine: it’s a gross invasion of my privacy and in many regards a constant worry. Where is it? Have I got enough airtime? Is it charged?
Often I turn it onto silent and ignore it just for a little peace, but I must admit that I almost never leave home without it. As much as I want to detest it, it is an amazing comfort to know that if I’m ever in any trouble (particularly regarding driving) help is but a call away.
The interesting thing though is that these devises are becoming much more than just communication tools. I use mine as an alarm clock, a birthday calendar, a calculator, a camera (although an actual camera would take better pictures) and often as a torch. My old phone worked as a radio too, but I must admit that I seldom used that function.
Now cellphones are also becoming televisions. Perhaps soon they’ll replace so many things we carry with us, like keys, cash, credit cards and even identity documents… The question was posed at college today though: How can a brand capitalise on this amazing technology to offer something that is really awesome and, perhaps even entertaining, without being horribly annoying? It seems obvious that there should be so much that one can do, but it gets tricky. People don’t want spam on their cellphones…
It is a little scary because our cellphone is going to become even more "essential" to our lives. Imagine merging your ipod, cellphone, laptop, newspaper, television, playstation, banking cards, financial records and your diary. This is the future... our entire lives in the palm of our hands (so cliched!)
We were talking today in the new media class how they are trying to unban cellphones on planes - what are the implications of that? spending a two hour flight listening to some sandton kugel bitch about her botched up manicure while u try to drink a bloody mary and read some zadie dont sound like too much fun to me!
then you have your phone stolen and feel truely cut off form humanity, it is really kind of sad. I have always wondered how emily functions without one?
I definitely cant leave home without my phone, but I must say I have no interest in all the snazzy devices...phone calls and sms's are good enough for me, when things get too chaotic sometimes it is comforting to cling to the basics.I am glad Paula has introduced me to your blog, has given me some good laughs :-)
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